It has been about a year since I completed ministry with Acts29online, and I am still so grateful for what God did in that time! Over all, I am experiencing more and more peace in my daily life. I have greater spiritual discernment now and have clarity about the burdens God is NOT asking me to take on. My Father has led me into a season of rest, trust and security with him, which has brought fruit in my relationships. There are several lasting changes I've noticed: 1) Order comes easily to me now, whereas before it was a battle. 2) I have virtually no demonic dreams (terrifying nightmares). 3) I have restful sleep, even during times of stress. It is AMAZING! 4) I have much greater access to my emotions. I have spontaneous feelings and can express them in the moment. This has helped me to connect more deeply with the people closest to me. Praise God!!
I am humbled by the amount of time and love (the Acts29online team) put into the online deliverance they did with me. Not only were they there for the online portion, but I feel that they put in hours praying for me, before, during and after the sessions.
Specifically I had asked that I hear the Lord clearer and felt that there was some reason I was not. Post ministry, I am hearing the voice of God and experiencing His presence and love much more.
I recommend that anyone even thinking about going through deliverance with the Acts 29 online ministry to do it. You will be surprised by how much the Lord uses them to help you get freedom from past issues that you have stuffed down and ignored. Things that are affecting your marriage, your life, and your children's lives.
From another individual:
Because of new found unity I am practicing after recent deliverance and believing God has put a trumpet within me….
I encountered a new level of intimacy in who He is…
My mind is the quietest it has ever been. It is fantastic.
Thank you so much.
Thanks again to you and the team for your loving and compassionate ministry. I am still blown away by the last session. God really moved!
I am now "walking out my freedom" and am even more motivated to love and serve our amazing God. Thanks again to you and the team for your self-less service!
The band around my head is finally gone, and I have felt a rest and peace inside of me as never before. It's the first time I am content.
I am experiencing a lot of freedom. I'm not feeling the shame….anymore, so that is a great thing.
Also, I asked my husband to go through the renouncing Freemasonry prayers that you sent me (since we know it is in his family background). A few days later he told me that two changes had happened, and he thinks it is a result of renouncing Freemasonry. First, he has always had sleep trouble, and every night has times when he wakes up and can't move his body. He has not had that happen since he read the renouncing Masonry stuff. Second, he is experiencing total freedom from fear of man (which has plagued him nonstop since I've known him).
Thanks for all your help!
I was dealing with a huge demonic oppression due to my family background and also because of some ungodly decisions on my part. I came from a Hindu Brahmin background. Subsequently, became a Muslim for a brief period. I also went through a series of trauma that's not very common in most lives.
The team spent almost 30+ hours ministering deliverance on me. After we were done, I felt like I could see the day light for the first time. So many emotional battles in my life ended. I became more emotionally grounded. My intimacy with Jesus started coming together the way I dreamed of. My anointings increased to a greater degree.
And, the most amazing thing of all, I went to India to see my mom after 12 years, and also saw some other members of my family after 18-19 years. The Lord brought healing in my family, and 12 members of my family got saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit within 7 days I was with them. I saw many signs and wonders of Jesus while I was in India.
I am so thankful to Acts29online for their unconditional love for me and their faithfulness to the Lord Jesus. They are a huge part of my destiny in Jesus and restoration in my family!
I have had the blessing and privilege of both receiving ministry from Acts29 as well as participating as an intern in actual deliverance sessions….I thank the Lord for the wisdom and compassion I received from the team that guided me through the deliverance and healing process and prayed for and with me.
I have since had the privilege of interning with Acts29online and have seen God move in amazing ways to set people free and bring healing and wholeness. Through it I am learning to hear His voice more clearly myself! The opportunity it provides to work with those experienced in deliverance ministry is invaluable, and I know of no other program like it! My faith and confidence have grown exponentially and I am excited to see what the future holds!
There has been a greater sense of peace. I recognize freedom especially in the areas of self talk. I recognize that I am certainly more aware of the presence of God, and a lot more energetic in my day. I feel that I have more confidence in speaking with people especially my wife and not worrying about rejection.
Again, thank you so much for the significant amount of time that you and your team spent with me. It was great!! You not only helped me, but demonstrated a great model for ministry.
All is well with my soul, I have been delivered from darkness and light reigns within.
Just wanted to drop a note to say that I'm doing well in the Lord since our ministry time. :0) No more (of the specific bad) dreams and far fewer demonic ones. And more happy, adventurous dreams! I've been able to keep my room clean (a miracle in itself) and just seem to have a lot more peace all the way round. Anxious nights/interrupted sleep are happening less and less-- from once a week to once every few weeks, maybe.
I just wanted to thank you and the team for yesterday's ministry session. It was freeing and powerful. I feel noticeably more connected with God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. My prayer time this morning was very special because of that.
Thank you for your ministry. I feel freer each time I go and feel that you are really doing the work of Jesus Christ because it is bringing me tremendous freedom and authority. It is difficult to encapsulate the wide range of positive emotions I feel today.
I am particularly grateful for the verses and words of the team at the conclusion of the ministry time, and I have been pondering them since yesterday.
I am grateful that all of you took time out of your schedules to minister to me. You are making a huge difference in my life.
On Wednesday, I met with some ladies for a bible study for the first time. I was leading the group. When we started to go around the room for prayer requests Holy Spirit showed up in a big way and there was a literal outpouring of love and pain and hurt and sorrow from all of these women. It was beautiful to me.
They opened their hearts and they ministered to each other. I hardly did anything, but I felt that God was just pouring out his blessings on these women like a rain cloud.
I have led bible studies before, but have never experienced such woundedness and tenderness and love in the presence of women in a group like this. It was so beautiful and touching to me.
In my spirit, I feel that this is confirmation about the impact of global courses and the deliverance ministry have had on my life. It was my heart that was in the right place. God did the rest and made it very special for everyone involved. I have never felt Holy Spirit move so powerfully when I've been involved in ministry before.
I know that I would not have been able to feel comfortable in this situation without the deliverance work I've been doing over these past few weeks. So thank you again, and I feel that God is also saying thanks, so I can help other people to be released from deep pain as a result of the confidence in the freedom that you've given me.
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